Steering wheel is off center when driving straight.
(To the right,Minor,Advise alignment check)
Safety / Vision
Inspection Point
Inspector Comments
Glass / Washers / Wiper Blades
Wiper blade has torn / damaged rubber.
(All three (both front and the rear))
Windshield has bullseye rock chip.
(Single bullseye rock chip)
Exterior Lighting / Lights
Safety light (Fog / DRL) does not function properly.
(Left fog lamp inoperative)
Fuel / Emissions / Exhaust
Inspection Point
Inspector Comments
Emissions Control System / OBD2 Readiness Monitors
Emissions monitor(s) not ready at time of inspection. This does not necessarily mean there is an issue. Vehicle may simply need to complete a drive cycle.
(CAT (catalyst),EGR (exhaust gas recirculation),Evap (evaporative) )
Wheels / Tires / Brakes
Inspection Point
Inspector Comments
Tire Wear / Condition Rear
Wheel appears physically damaged.
Body / Frame / Exterior / Interior
Inspection Point
Inspector Comments
Interior / Power Accessories
Left power / manual side view mirror does not function properly.
(When down button is pressed mirror moves up and when up button up button is pressed mirror moves down. )
Inspection photos
Inspection Point
Inspector Comments
Undercarriage front
Undercarriage rear
Undercarriage middle
Undercarriage passenger side
Undercarriage driver side
Interior rear
Engine compartment
Inspection Point
Inspector Comments
Positive vehicle performance characteristics
Heater and air conditioning performed well
Frequently removed, lost or misplaced item present at the time of inspection
Wheel lock key for locking lug nuts
Positive test results at time of inspection
Brake fluid water content tests acceptable
Coolant temperature protection level tests acceptable
Frequently removed item present at the time of inspection
Vehicle Emission Control Information (VECI) label is present under hood
Additional inspection photos
Possible leaking rear shock advise clean and recheck. (Left)
Splash shield is missing mounting hardware 
Middle row, middle seat, not present at time of inspection 
Timing belt
This vehicle is equipped with an engine timing belt. Although it is not inspected as part if the inspection, the manufacturer recommends replacement every 105,000 miles.
Inspection Comments
All safety components of this vehicle were marked "acceptable" at the time of inspection.
At the time of inspection, all on-board diagnostic (OBD) readiness monitors were ready, the check engine light was operational with key on but not illuminated with engine running, and emissions components were marked "acceptable."
Seller Comments
This vehicle has new cabin and engine air filters. We also changed the oil.
All safety components of this vehicle were marked "acceptable" at the time of inspection.
At the time of inspection, all on-board diagnostic (OBD) readiness monitors were ready, the check engine light was operational with key on but not illuminated with engine running, and emissions components were marked "acceptable."